mixing primary paint colors to create secondary colors)
Solving a "puzzle" located somewhere in the level (e.g. Competing in a race against another character (e.g. The tasks that Buzz needs to perform to gain a Pizza Planet token are: Returning to previous levels is required to obtain Pizza Planet tokens that couldn't be retrieved earlier without a certain power-up. Some Pizza Planet tokens can only be collected with the use of a power-up, while others are merely easier to collect when a power-up is unlocked. The power-ups are the Cosmic Shield (Level 1), Disc Launcher (Level 4), Rocket Boots (Level 7), Grappling Hook (Level 10), and Hover Boots (Level 13). Potato Head is missing a body part that the player has to retrieve in order to unlock a specific power-up. The player must collect at least one token to unlock the subsequent level. In each level, there are five Pizza Planet tokens that the player must collect. Each level starts with a FMV scene taken from the movie (except from the Nintendo 64 version-its low-capacity cartridge system meant that these movies were replaced with comic-strip type 'cutscenes'). Only the first level is available at first, but the player can unlock more levels by collecting Pizza Planet tokens. The levels are grouped into five zones (3 levels per zone). Other characters including Rocky Gibraltar, Bo Peep, Jessie, and Bullseye will also need your assistance. Potato Head appear in multiple levels, to give you tips and bonuses. Hamm and Rex are with you each level, and Slinky and Mr. They end up at an airport, where Buzz has a final battle with Stinky Pete. Potato Head head to find and rescue Woody from Al, and enter the neighborhood, eventually moving to a construction yard and eventually Al's Toy Barn. Buzz Lightyear Hamm, Rex, Slinky, and Mr. The game starts out at Andy's house, as Al just kidnapped Sheriff Woody.
Most of the voice cast from the film returned to voice their characters in the game with the exception of Wallace Shawn who did not reprise the role as Rex (being voiced instead by Earl Boen). In addition, there are 5 power-ups that can be unlocked to help Buzz complete certain tasks. He can execute a jump and a double jump, as well as two attacks: his wrist laser and his spin attack using his pop-out wing tips, both of which can be charged.
The player controls Buzz Lightyear as he tries to locate and rescue Woody after he is kidnapped by Al McWhiggin, the owner of Al's Toy Barn.