They desire world domination with every fibre of their twisted beings - from their quivering whiskers to the tips of their segmented tails. Hidden in their sprawling underground lairs, they gnaw at the roots of civilization, plotting and scheming for the day they will burst from their dark tunnels and drown the world above in a tide of mangy fur, rusty blades and plague-ridden filth. The Skaven are vile, malevolent ratmen that swarm beneath the surface of the world. Burned at the stake, IC 1301 for pernicious declamation They are the dark side of our souls, come to destroy us for our sins. Rats as tall as man, and blessed with the most vile intellect and cunning. How immeasurably worse then is the foul Skaven - standing on its hindlegs in foul parody of a human. Harbinger of disease, it scavenges on our waste-heaps and frightens our children.
Rites: Skaven have access to various rites which grant bonuses in campaign.Īll decent folk find the common rat repulsive.
Skaven also have access to the Underway, like Dwarfs and Greenskins.
Stances: Stalking replaces default stance and gives a chance to ambush while moving. Loyalty: Lords have different loyalty levels, which can cause them to take their army and rebel against you. Skaven Corruption: Skaven must manage Corruption which can both benefit and harm them. Spending food or increasing corruption increases the number of uses. The Menace Below: In campaign battles, Skaven have a unique army ability called The Menace Below which summons Clanrats. It can increase usage of army abilities or help upgrade settlements. Food: Food is a special resource that Skaven must manage alongside money. Additionally, Skaven can establish secret Under-Cities beneath enemy settlements. Skaven Under-Empire: Skaven settlements appear as ruins to other factions, until discovered. No cavalry or flying units, though some monsters might fill this role. Units: Masses of cheap expendable units, backed up by horrifying monsters, and devastating war machines. 8.5 How to play the Skaven Lords & Heroes.
3.2 Strength in Numbers and Scurry Away!.Well well well! Call us a sensible Ork and hit us with a chainsword.